Tag: cycling

Principles of sports practice you should know

Exercise may bring a lot of health benefits, but for newcomers, learning and following the principles of exercise will help us achieve the best results and especially safety during practice.

Choose the sport that suits you

The first thing to be able to practice well is we need to choose the exercise that suits us best. This will depend on the fitness, health, and age of each person. If you have a health problem, don’t be afraid to consult your doctor or experts to make the best choice.

Don’t feel too hard in the first place because there are many sports that are easy to practice and suitable for many people like walking, jogging (can choose to walk outdoors or practice with the machine), swimming, yoga, cycling.

Always warm up your body before exercising

Warm-up before training is not to be missed when you exercise regardless of the sport. The start-up task is to help stretch the muscles and joints so that you can gradually get used to the intensity of the workout while helping the practitioner feel more excited, healthier for the training process after that and at the same time minimize the possible injuries during exercise.

Choose a suitable training time

The appropriate exercise time is neither early in the morning nor too late in the evening. Exercise too early, the body will remain in a state of rest and relaxation, the nervous system and endocrinology are also featured at night this will upset the normal circadian rhythm. On the contrary, exercising too late will make the body tired and may cause difficulty sleeping.

Do not practice overwhelmingly

In order for the training process to be smooth, you should apply the exercises that are suitable and suitable to your interests and do not force the body to follow exercises that are not suitable for the body as well as the workplace.


Overexertion will be very easy for the practitioner to be tired, exhausted, which can cause hypoglycemia or hypotension. The following signs indicate that you are overtraining such as headache mild, lightheaded, heart attack, fainting, chest pain, joint pain.

In order for the training process to be smooth, you should apply the exercises that are suitable to your interests and do not force the body to follow exercises that are not suitable for the body as well as the workplace.

If you are trying to improve your training intensity, don’t rush so that you can gradually adapt to the changes in the exercises. It is best to increase the intensity of the exercise to no more than 10-15% per week.

On the other hand, there are many people who think that maybe a week of 1-2 sessions and intense training can compensate for the days without practice. However, this is a completely wrong practice because it not only causes fatigue but also makes it possible to cause injuries during movement.

For best practice, keep the frequency of your training routine and regularly. However, when you are sick, you can rest to give your body time to recover your health, so do not force yourself.

6 benefits of playing sports help you live more actively

Daily exercise and exercise is considered the golden key in improving health and maintaining physique. Besides, regular exercise also brings many unexpected benefits that you may not know.

According to the research of many experts, opinions of many doctors and practical experience of many people, playing sports has practical benefits as follows:

1. Maintain a reasonable weight, improve physique

When exercising, the body will have a process of burning calories, reducing the amount of cholesterol and excess fat in the body. Help you maintain a healthy weight and improve a healthy toned physique. Those who are overweight and obese, if taking care of sports, burning a lot of energy with a reasonable and scientific weight loss diet, the opportunity to get in shape very quickly, time to improve has clear results. markedly within 1 month only.

2. Reduce stress

Regular physical exercise not only burns calories, but it also releases the hormones serotonin and dopamine, which help relieve stress and anxiety. Playing sports regularly with teammates, friends, you will feel more relaxed and comfortable, the stresses, anxieties in life will be eliminated, instead of the spirit of joy, joy and comfortable.

3. Improve the brain

Playing sports with vigorous exercise will help increase oxygen levels to the brain. The brain absorbs enough oxygen to help the blood circulation, improve memory, concentrate and limit headaches due to stressful work.

4. Support in the treatment of depression

Team sports activities like cycling, yoga, badminton, tennis help increase neurotransmission and increase endorphine and se’rotonine hormones. This makes you happier and happier. On the other hand, playing sports in a team or group will help you have a positive mind. For people with signs of depression, it will help them to be closer, friendly and sociable.

5. Improve the living room

The benefits of playing sports are evident in your sex life. According to the research results, if women practice yoga, walking, men participate in activities such as soccer, badminton will help both sublimation in the room. Women will improve the decline of sexual desire, while men will improve physiology and improve erections.

6. Help the cardiovascular system healthy

According to research results of many experts, exercising and sports will help blood flow to the brain more easily, increase the amount of oxygen circulating throughout the body, limit the occurrence of thrombosis, thereby very useful for cardiovascular system and blood pressure.

With 6 benefits of playing sports that are good for life and health like this, it is thought that if people maintain this activity every day, people will be healthier, and happier.