Let’s continue explore the unexpected benefits from top 8 recreational sports!

3. Walking

A normal activity but offers incredible results. Studies have shown that all of the following benefits are associated with walking. It reduces risk of dementia, a higher survival rate for breast cancer, and significant improvements asthenia, increases endurance when suffering from fibromyalgia syndrome, take fewer drugs, significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, more satisfying in sex life.

Watching horror movies can help you consume a lot of calories. The worse the movie is, the more “heavy” it is, the more calories it will consume.

4. Fencing

No subject can look more stylish than fencing. If you do not believe you try to look back on the golden age of Hollywood swordsmen (remember to pay attention to their sexy tight pants too). But in addition to providing a glamorous appearance and agile moves, fencing brings many other great health benefits.

Researchers have tried to find out whether fencing is effective against dementia in old age. They realize that players must make decisions quickly, pay close attention and be extremely flexible on the stage.

This sport helps develop many brain functions like planning, flexibility in thinking, taking appropriate actions and preventing inappropriate actions. And the final conclusion is that true fencing helps to reduce memory loss as you get older.

5. Golf

On average, playing an entire 9-hole golf game, a player who wears a bag and walking will burn 721 calories; players using rickshaws sticks burn 718 calories; players with caddy pulls sticks to burn 613 calories; even a golf cart user can burn 411 calories.

Along with meeting people, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air, playing golf helps us to prolong life. A study in Sweden has shown that the death rate in golfers is up to 40% lower than those of the same age but not playing this sport, the results of the study also show that playing golf will increase the average life expectancy to 5 years.